Caring for my kids when I'm at work

Why Kindergarten Is Necessary

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What is kindergarten education? Kindergarten is a learning environment that enables children to practice basic social, emotional and educational skills that will prepare them for schooling. These skills are inculcated in children through self-directed play under the guidance of an experienced teacher. The kindergarten program is generally for children of 5 years of age, but sometimes it can include children from 4 to 6 years of age. These programs are designed in a way that helps to introduce the basic concepts of science, mathematics, language and arts.…

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Two Reasons to Increase Your Child's Time at a Childcare Centre During Your Pregnancy

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If your child spends just a few hours a week at a childcare centre and you’ve just found out that you’re pregnant, you might want to increase the number of hours he or she goes to this facility for the next few months. Read on and find out why. To make it easy for you to attend your antenatal appointments Throughout your pregnancy, you’ll need to go for regular antenatal appointments so that your obstetrician can check that your baby is healthy and that any pregnancy-related health issues you develop are under control.…

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How to Find a Good Preschool for a Child With Asperger's Syndrome

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If you have a child with Asperger’s and you want to arrange for them to be enrolled in a preschool, then you should take the steps outlined here to ensure that the preschool you choose for them is suitable for their needs. Find staff who are knowledgeable about Asperger’s Syndrome Because Asperger’s Syndrome is a relatively mild form of autism, you do not necessarily have to place your child in a childcare facility that caters specifically to children who have this condition.…

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