Caring for my kids when I'm at work

Early Learning: 3 Kinds of Activity Offered By a Child Care Centre

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As a parent with a young toddler, the time will arrive when it is time to take them to their first early learning class. Early learning is an important part of the developmental process. The early education sessions are designed to expose your child to a range of different fundamental skills. The early learning sessions at your local childcare centre will also provide you with the ideal chance for you to introduce your child to other kids so they can begin learning how to socialise.…

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Starting Child Care: How to Minimise Separation Anxiety

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Taking your child to a daycare center for the first time can cause separation anxiety in your child. Several measures can help to reduce the magnitude of that separation anxiety. This article discusses some of those helpful measures. Control Your Feelings Children are very sensitive to the attitudes and feelings of their parents or caregivers. It is therefore very important for you to be positive as you take your child to the daycare center for the first time.…

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Five Safety Tips to Keep in Mind When Hiring and Employing Nannies

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If you are hiring a nanny, there are numerous steps you can take to ensure your child is as safe as possible. Wondering what to keep in mind? Here’s a look at five tips to help you: 1. Trust your instincts When you are hiring anyone to work with your kids, it’s critical to trust your instincts. If something in you cries, “no” to a particular candidate, you should honour that feeling, regardless of the nanny’s credentials on paper.…

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